Tulia Testnet v1.0.0

here you can find all the information about our testnet

Welcome to Tulia Testnet 1.0.0

As we gear up for our eventual transition to the mainnet, Tulia is currently in an exciting testnet phase. This crucial period allows us to simulate all functionalities that will be available on the mainnet, ensuring robustness and user satisfaction from day one.

Current Testnet Activities

Supported Testnets: Tulia is actively running on several blockchain testnets to ensure wide compatibility and robust testing across different ecosystems:

  • BSC Testnet

  • BaseSeoplia

  • EthereumHolesky

  • OptimismSepolia

  • PolygonAmoy

  • ArbitrumSepolia

  • Avalanche Fuji

Simulation and Testing: Every action and feature that will be available on the mainnet is currently being simulated on these testnets, providing a comprehensive preview of how Tulia will operate in a live environment.

Engagement and Incentives

Airdrop Campaign: To increase user engagement and gather valuable feedback, we are conducting an airdrop campaign. Participants in the Tulia Testnet app will earn AsteroidPoints, which will later be convertible into EarlyTulia Coins. This not only rewards early adopters but also provides us with essential data to enhance the platform.

Feedback and Community Involvement: Your feedback is vital. It helps us identify potential improvements and innovate continuously. We encourage you to actively use the testnet, report any issues, and share suggestions, which will shape the future of Tulia.

Collaborations and Future Plans

Ecosystem Partnerships: Thanks to robust ecosystem networking, we have formed collaborations with several companies, enhancing the capabilities and reach of our platform.

Bug Bounty Program: Looking ahead, we plan to introduce a bug bounty program in subsequent versions to further secure our platform by engaging with the global security research community.

Roadmap to Mainnet

As we progress through these test phases, we have many more features and ideas to explore before our mainnet launch. Your participation now is crucial to ensuring the success and security of the future live environment.

Join us in this revolutionary journey, where your participation not only shapes a pioneering DeFi platform but also offers you a chance to be part of the financial technologies of tomorrow.

Last updated